Decision Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment

Decision is the most important factor to determine both the shape of taken risk and targeted profitability while an investment process is running. The most cumbersome task up till now was determining the qualitative and quantitative attributes of a decisional process, assessing these attributes and determining benchmarking criteria. New developed analytics allow retail to professional investors to assess the decision process they are running strictly correlated to a specific investment process. Using the decision process quantitative and qualitative assessment, both risk and performance are entering a supervisory area where the investment process is tightly monitored and easy to adjust within a large scale of risk parameters.

Decision Adjustment

Adjusting decisions is a necessary operation while an investment process is running. The only one adjustable parameter within a Risk – Performance – Decision process is the decision, the decision adjustment impacting primarily the risk then the performance. Furthermore, the performance is impacting again the decision, either it is within the targeted range, below or above that range. FincoNet’s state of the art new developed and well tested techniques based on quantitative and qualitative decision indicators, allow decision maker to adjust decision parameters on the upcoming decision process impacting the risk and performance on the investing process in order to reach their targeted objectives.

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